Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Corresponde MBA - A Best Way For Working People

If you have decided to pursue the correspondence MBA because you feel that this decision is the natural progression of you career path, you are not alone. When you feel stagnant in you job, the degree can be the jump-start you are looking for. Perhaps you have not been promoted in many years, or you are not getting the type of salary adjustment that you feel your hours and dedication warrant. Obtaining an online MBA can be the wake-up call your employers need to remind them that you are on the fast track. Most correspondence MBA students stay on in their current field - in fact, many continue with their same company. A correspondence MBA program is perfectly suited for you if you are looking to gain more experience at managing people and teams. There are two main reasons behind this:

1. You will a lot of practice with team project in B-school. Also, when you attend on a part-time basis, you need to develop your time-management skills very quickly and acutely. If you can juggle all this, you are learning far more than what is in your textbook or in your class notes.

2. You will be able to apply what you are learning over longer period of time. Leadership and team-management skills are not only taught in business school, they are implemented. As time goes on, these skills are drummed in to the students who truly learn how to apply them as they are learning. This is very different from attending a one or two year's full time program without applying your knowledge as you are learning it - and potential employers realize it!

It will take you longer to complete the correspondence MBA. You may think that you can wait three years or more to change career, but those three years is a long time to put your life's ambition on hold. If you decide that the program is taking too long on a correspondence basis and consider switching to full-time status, be advised that not all schools will allow you to do so.

If financing degree is an issue and going correspondence is the best way for you to proceed, make sure that you carefully read your company's policies and procedures regarding tuition reimbursement. You want to make sure that you have not implicitly agreed to stay on with your firm for a given period of time during the completion of program in exchange for the financing of your degree.

1 comment:

  1. Correspondence MBA is the need of current education field and students. Either students or working professionals are the part of correspondence education.
    Good post and blog also.
